Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The impact of the internet + Kickstarter packs!


Work for Wednesday AM -

“The impact of the internet on the media is revolutionary”. Discuss.
This is a question from a few years ago for ‘Media in the Online Age’

  • Use this time you have (due to me being unavailable..) to create a visual essay plan (read: mindmap with doodles…) to structure how you would answer this question.
  • Consider all the media areas we have looked at, including all the contemporary case studies and theorists!
  • Use the internet to help you think of other examples to put into your plan
  • Remember: You must refer to more than one media industry in your plan – preferably more than 2 even if you can!
  • MUST hand in essay plans: If you finish, start writing up your answer
ALSO, I have made you a pack containing articles of people celebrating Zach Braff's Kickstarter efforts and people complaining about it, saying it is an abuse of the system as he has many millions already, unlike the Joe Average Kickstarter person who can't find funding for their project any other way.

Is Kickstarter a triumph for Pluralism? Or is it what the Marxists would refer to as manufactured consent, willing us into thinking we are making a choice for the people but instead of this we are actually keeping the powerful in power ie. Zach Braff keeping making films and Joe IndieFilmmaker unable to get his work of art out there?

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