Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Monday, 25 March 2013

Has Street View changed the way we behave?

Google's Street View cars have driven millions of miles, picturing the streets and landscapes of 39 countries. But while many people use its 3D maps to look at the places they already know, has it also changed the way they relate to the wider world?


Amateur parody videos on YouTube can make the originals more popular and profitable, BU research has found. Amateur parody videos on YouTube can make the originals more popular and profitable, BU research has found. http://ow.ly/joqXV”

“@bournemouthuni: Amateur parody videos on YouTube can make the originals more popular and profitable, BU research has found. http://ow.ly/joqXV”

@mashable: Is Netflix Hurting Television Buzz? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/81Fu7iSU7o

@mashable: Is Netflix Hurting Television Buzz? [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/81Fu7iSU7

We've all been there — a Sunday afternoon marathoning Lost or some other show that's been aired for years, yet we never got around to watching it.

Now think about when a new show premieres. Most of us whip out our phones and share the excitement along with thousands of other viewers watching on social media. Live events tend to generate a mass amount of buzz because we're all watching together at the same time.

Netflix has experimented with a new way to watch television by releasing all episodes from season one of the original series House of Cards. By comparing similar shows on various networks, our friends at Mashwork have come up with an interesting conclusion on how this affects social buzz, shown in the infographic below.

SEE ALSO: Netflix: 'House of Cards' Is Our Most Popular Show Right Now

In order to do so, the team analyzed tweets from shows like The Walking Dead, which premiered in 2010. Twitter has grown from 15 million users in 2009, to 200 million as of December 2012, as Statista points out, and The Walking Dead still had the most popular premiere out of all the shows.

House of Cards had the highest percentage of overall buzz occur during the first week following the premiere. That buzz also decreased at a faster rate than any of the other shows.

Take a look at the infographic, and tell us what you think of Netflix's distribution method. Is sustained buzz more important that people professing to binge viewing in a short period of time? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

View the infographic at http://t.co/81Fu7iSU7

Iplayer debuts new Peter Kay sitcom


iPlayer debuts new Peter Kay sitcom

The Social Music Revolution


£1.98 on kindle - or just download the introduction for a flavour :-) useful for our Spotify case study

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Tweeting for businesses


Social networking


The Virtual Revolution: What's the future?


DRM explained


The Virtual Revolution


What does Web 2.0 mean?


RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens?


Critique: Morozov on Cyber-utopianism and Internet-centrism


Critique: Morozov on Cyber-utopianism and Internet-centrism

In The New Republic, Evgeny Morozov critically reviews Steven Johnson’s book Future Perfect: The Case for Progress in a Networked Age. Morozov says that are two ways to be wrong about the Internet: one is to embrace cyber-utopianism, the other to succumb to Internet-centrism. Morozov claims that with Johnson’s Future Perfect, Internet-centrists “finally have a briskly written manifesto that distills all the major tenets of their worldview”.

Read Morozov's critique here: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112189/social-media-doesnt-always-help-social-movements

And Johnson's answer back here!

Is smart making us dumb?


A revolution in technology is allowing previously inanimate objects—from cars to trash cans to teapots—to talk back to us and even guide our behavior. But how much control are we willing to give up?

Twitter at 7

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Social media could wreck your loan chances.


“Big data” can help determine who really deserves a loan. But there are dangers. --- Morozov

Friday, 22 March 2013

Noam Chomsky and the Internet


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/9418820.stm Chomsky talks to Paxman about the power of the Internet

Socialnomics - Qualman






Jane McGonigal - Reality is Broken




Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations by Clay Shirky reviews


http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/mar/22/society1 Also reviewed is Leadbetter's We-Think



To save everything click here: Review - Morozov




Reviews of latest book by net sceptic Morozov

Spotify needs an MTV beat



#ocrmedia13 if you wanted to spy on me.

Session on magazine production ... Then contemporary media issues (you lot!) and then generally how to be better at everything.

Will update on the lunch situation when I have the scoop.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Your A2 Exam

Section A: Theoretical Evaluation of Production
This requires you to describe and evaluate your skills development over the course of their production, from Foundation Portfolio to Advanced Portfolio.

Question 1 (a)
Here you will describe and evaluate your skills development. The focus of this evaluation must be on skills development. The question will require them to adapt to one or two specific practices. The practices to which questions will focus are:
  • Digital Technology
  • Creativity
  • Research and Planning
  • Post-Production
  • Using Conventions from real media texts

We will focus on attempting to answer these questions in class in preparation for your exam. This is why it is so important for you to complete deadlines, otherwise you will all be at different stages and subsequently ill prepared for the exam.

Question 1(b)
Here you will select one of your productions and evaluate it in relation to a media concept. Either:
  • Genre
  • Narrative
  • Representation
  • Audience
  • Media Language

The exam will use one of these concepts only.

Section B: Contemporary Media Issues: Media in the Online Age
This should be prepared through specific case studies, texts, debates and research of your choice. It must combine knowledge of at least two media and a range of texts, industries, audiences and debates. There should be emphasis on the historical, the contemporary and the future in relation to the chosen topic, with most attention on the present.

You will need to offer a balance of media theories, knowledge of texts and industries and personal engagement with issues and debates.

Prepare for tomorrow: 1a example question

1a. Describe a range of creative decisions that you made in post--production and how these decisions made a difference to the final outcomes. refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time.


Google Alerts

Go to http://www.google.co.uk/alerts

Set up alerts for the following:

  • iTunes (our modern case study - TV/Film/Music in the online Age)
  • Spotify (Our modern and future case study - Music in the Online Age)
  • Netflix (Our modern case study - TV & Film in the online Age)
  • Napster (Our historical case study for Music in the Online Age)
  • Amazon (Case study for the Long Tail - Media in the Online Age, also recent players in online media, including music, tv, film and books online)

Question 1 tasks

Revisit your Preliminary task for your AS and analyse the effectiveness of this product. Why did you make the choices that you made? What would you do differently?

Now you need to revisit your finished AS product - the Music Magazine front cover.

Analyse this in a lot more detail than the prelim task:
Focus on -
  • Research and planning
  • Post-production
  • Digital Technology
  • Using conventions from real media texts
Again, make sure you go into the choices you made and justify your reasons. Is there anything you would do differently next time?

A2 Media Theories

You will need to self-audit what you know and what you do not know:

A2 Media Theories

Genre: Daniel Chandler
               Ideology of Genre

Narrative: Todorov’s theory of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium
                     Roland Barthes’ Narrative Codes
                     Vladamir Propp

Representation: Queer Theory: Judith Butler
                                Feminism: Laura Mulvey
                                Steve Neale: Masculinity in Crisis
                                Alvarado et al: Racial Representations
                                Richard Dyer: Star Theory

Audience: Blumler and Katz’s Uses and Gratification Theory
                     Cohen’s Moral Panic
                     Hypodermic Needle Model
                     Katz and Lasarfeld Two Step Flow
                     Reception Theory
                     Look also at www.uktribes.com

Media Language: Semiotics: Barthes
                                  Foulcault’s Post Structuralism
                                  Louis Althusser: Interpellation

Thursday, 7 March 2013

TASK: Online streaming

First off you will need to make sure you have finished the case studies on Napster and iTunes.

THEN --- The biggest shift in recent months has been the rise of online streaming subscriptions.

Research this trend. The service you may have heard of is Spotify.

You will need to research the streaming music industry - when did this start? Who are the major players? What is the appeal? What effect do you think this will have on the music industry in the future?

How much do music artists earn online?
Spotify Infographics
Spotify vs Pandora

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Tasks for today: Historical research on online music

Information that needs to be included:

The role of Napster in 2001:
What was Napster? What was special about the program?
What was the response from consumers?
What was the response from the artists?
What happened to Napster?

2. The role of iTunes
When did iTunes get introduced?
What services does it offer?
How has it changed the music industry?
How has the platform changed between its inception and present day?

Friday, 1 March 2013

The music industry & online piracy

Blog posts for today (and to finish for homework) 1. Read the article Record industry sees slight growth for first time since Napster - summarise and then give your own commentary: What do you think this means for the industry?

2. Read The anti-piracy Copyright Alert System: Is the Napster era finally dead? – summarise and give your own commentary: Do you think this will work?